6 Breast Implant Myths Debunked

1. Implants lead to loss of sensation

The first breast implant myth is that patients with implants lose sensation in their breasts and/or nipples. For the most part this is not true. Permanent sensory loss or change is rare. Temporary sensory changes do occasionally occur, but tend to correct within days to weeks. 

Dr. Crofts utilizes techniques to reduce the risk of nipple sensation loss. One of which is using an inframammary crease incision, or axillary incisions, instead of the periareolar incision, which has a slightly higher incidence of sensory changes, according to some studies. Secondly, the placing of implants subpectoral (under pectoral muscles), instead of subglandular (above pectoral muscles), or below the milk glands, tends to be more consistent with a decreased incidence of sensory changes. That is, subpectoral implant placement decreases the likelihood of sensation loss.

Post surgery patients should regularly massage the nipples and breast tissue, as directed by Dr. Crofts, to speed up recovery. Stimulating the area facilitates connections and pathways between neurons returning sensation back to normal faster.

2. Any surgeon can perform breast implant surgery

When choosing a surgeon for any cosmetic procedure, it is important to choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, as this tends to increase the odds of a safer, quality results. 

What differentiates a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon from a cosmetic surgeon? Well, upon completion of medical school, a plastic surgeon will spend the next four to nine years training in plastic surgery residency and/or fellowships honing their surgical skills and judgment. In addition to a 10-year recertification requirement, plastic surgeons are required to complete continuing education, which is renewed every three years, helping them keep current with up-to-date practices. It takes a skilled plastic surgeon with an extensive knowledge of anatomy to decrease complications and risks, while providing the patient with beautiful, natural, long-lasting results. Plastic surgeons are better prepared to manage potential complications that may arise along the way. 

Dr. Crofts is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon with over 25 years of experience and has performed thousands of breast augmentation procedures throughout his career. To schedule a breast augmentation consultation with Dr. Crofts, call us at 801-785-8825

3. Breast implants always look and feel unnatural

A breast augmentation can yield a beautiful, natural enhancement, both in look and feel. There are many factors that play a role in the way your implants will look and feel, such as positioning of implants, size of the implants, type of implants, projection and profile of implants, as well as the shape of implant. Your chest wall shape as well as the shape of your natural breasts will also markedly influence the result of your augmentation. Obtaining a natural breast enhancement, in both look and feel, is our goal. Dr. Crofts and his staff will help you decide which implant will look and feel the most natural during your consultation. Click here to schedule yours today.

4. You can go as big as you want, and the bigger, the better

The truth of it is that you cannot always go as big as you want, and the largest implant size is not always the best option. One thing Dr. Crofts considers during a breast augmentation consultation is each patient’s unique anatomy. The size of the implant is thus determined by each person’s anatomy, which includes, but not limited to, the chest width or breast width, and the amount of surplus or deficient skin available around the breast. The implant profile used in surgery ultimately is a function of the size one wants to be, balanced against the base width of the breast.

Patients with a narrow chest are limited to the size of implant they can get, in that attempting to go much bigger than their natural breast base width will lead to distortion, folds, fold failure, malposition, and so forth. Overall, the larger the chest wall is, or the base width of the breast, the larger the size of implant a patient can get, generally. The more skin surrounding the breast, the larger the implant a patient can get, if the base width is adequate. Less skin means the patient is limited to how big they can go in implant size, to some degree, in order to minimize the risk of complications. The breast skin will also limit size, at least initially. The tissue will only stretch so much before major distortions develop. Staying within the natural parameters of one’s anatomy creates the best breast enhancement result.

5. Breast implants can fix sagging breasts

This implant myth may be true for a handful of patients with mild ptosis or sagging, but for patients with moderate to severe ptosis, implants alone will not address sagging or droopy breasts. The only way to adequately address sagging breasts is with a breast lift. The goal of a breast lift is to remove excess tissue, reshape and reposition the nipples, and restore the overall shape and firmness of the breasts. Dr. Crofts often combines a breast lift with a breast augmentation to give patients lifted, larger, and more beautiful-looking breasts. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Crofts to see what procedure(s) will be best suited for you and your body. Call us today at 801-785-8825 .

6. Breast implants are dangerous

Breast implants were FDA-approved as a medical device in 1976 and are one of the most tested medical devices on the market today. Research has also shown no increased risk of breast cancer with patients who have breast implants. However, there has been a link between a cancer called anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) and textured implants, but this type of cancer, which is not breast cancer, is extremely rare and affects 1 out of 50,000 textured silicone implant patients, about 0.002%. Overall, breast implants are safe for most patients and complications are extremely low.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.