Preparation tips before breast augmentation surgery


Breast augmentation surgery is one of Dr. Kimball Crofts’ most popular procedures. Breast augmentation is a top procedure nationally that thousands of patients decide to have for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Volume loss after breastfeeding or weight loss
  • To feel more confident in clothing or swimwear
  • Desire for a more balanced figure
  • Desire for a more youthful appearance

Whatever your reason may be, you may be wondering how to prepare yourself for a breast augmentation surgery.

You’ve decided you want a breast augmentation, now what?

After you’ve decided you want a breast augmentation, the next step would be to find a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Not sure how to find one in your area? Click here to learn more about the importance of finding a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and what it means to be Board Certified.

Now that you’ve found your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, it’s time to prepare yourself for a consultation. The essential things you need to do to prepare for your breast augmentation consultation in Utah, or elsewhere, is to have a list of medications and supplements you are taking, detailed surgical and health history, and any questions you may have for your plastic surgeon. It is also helpful to have an idea of the look you desire. Every patient has different preferences in the size and shape they feel would best fit their body and lifestyle goals. 

We want you to be at ease and stress free. To do so, we’ve put together a list of questions to consider asking your plastic surgeon during your consultation. Click here to see them.

You found your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, now it’s time to prepare for surgery day.

Before any surgery, including a breast augmentation, it’s important to make sure you are physically and emotionally healthy. Eat nutritious foods, get plenty of sleep, and maintain your normal exercise routine the weeks leading up to your surgery day. A healthy mind and body can help you with a smooth recovery.

Now would also be a good time to schedule any days off of work to plan for your recovery as directed by Dr. Crofts, or your doctor. Reach out to your caregiver to help arrange housework, childcare, shopping, and driving to and from surgery for and the days following your surgery. 

Smoking and nicotine products

Smoking and nicotine can negatively impact your healing and recovery. Be sure to refrain from smoking and nicotine at least 4 weeks prior to and after your surgery. This includes all cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vapes, nicotine gum, nicotine patches, and other nicotine-containing products. Try to avoid second-hand smoke as well. The longer you go without smoking, the better chance at a healthy and safe recovery.

Medications and supplements

Taking certain medications and supplements can increase your risk of bleeding and other complications. During your consultation, Dr. Crofts will review your medications and supplements and may advise you to stop taking certain ones. Some of the medications and supplements Dr. Crofts has his patient stop taking are:

  • Aspirin, ibuprofen, and some other anti-inflammatory agents
  • Vitamin E
  • St. John’s wort
  • Garlic supplements
  • Green tea containing products
  • Fish oil

If you have questions regarding any other medications or supplements, ask Dr. Crofts or one of our nurses during your pre-operative appointment. Prior to surgery, Dr. Crofts will send needed prescriptions to your pharmacy. Make sure to pick up any medications prescribed to you by Dr. Crofts and take them as directed.

Don’t eat or drink anything after midnight, the night before your surgery. Eating or drinking the day of surgery may result in the cancellation of your surgery.

Breast augmentation surgery day

Try to find ways to calm your nerves and have confidence knowing you’re in good hands with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, like Dr. Crofts. The morning of surgery, make sure to shower with the recommended antibacterial soap. Don’t wear any makeup, jewelry of any kind, contact lenses, and body piercings. Avoid wearing pullovers, turtlenecks, or any other tight fitting articles of clothing. Do wear comfortable, loose fitting, clean clothes and slip on shoes. Feel free to wear a robe and socks.

You will be under general anesthesia during your breast augmentation procedure and the length of surgery is typically 1 hour. If you’re adding a breast lift, breast reduction, or other surgeries, it will increase the length of your surgery. This will be discussed in more detail during your consultation with Dr. Crofts.

Post breast augmentation surgery

After you get home, make sure to start taking your medications as directed. Get comfortable and get lots of rest for the week following surgery. You will need to walk frequently during the recovery process to minimize risk of blood clots. Follow all of the post-op instructions given to you by Dr. Crofts to help with a smooth recovery process. Call our after hours answering service if you run into any questions or concerns. For medical emergencies please call 911. Your safety and post-operative care is our team’s number one priority. Dr. Crofts sees his patients frequently to ensure they’re healing correctly and their recovery is on track. Please attend all your recommended follow up appointments.

At Aesthetica Plastic Surgery, we want you to be as comfortable as possible, as well as back to your normal daily activities as soon as possible. Dr. Crofts’ open pocket technique for breast augmentations allows patients to be back at the gym and doing most activities two weeks after surgery. Most of Dr. Crofts’ patients feel good enough to go to dinner or a movie within a day after their surgery.

Enjoy your newly found confidence and results!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.