When Is the Best Time to Have a Tummy Tuck?

  1. Tummy tucks and c-sections don’t go together. You may think tying your abdominoplasty in with your c-section is a great idea. After all, the scars are similar, right? However, they are two completely different procedures. During pregnancy, your body experiences a surge of hormones, and an increase in fluid and weight. Until you’ve had the baby, it’s hard to determine how much of that extra weight can be attributed to the pregnancy, or how much extra skin you may have. Dr. Crofts believes your body should be allowed to completely heal from your c-section and you should have lost the majority of the baby weight before seeking out a tummy tuck. This will generally be around 6 months post-baby.
  2. You should be at or near your ideal weight before undergoing an abdominoplasty. This is because a tummy tuck isn’t a weight loss procedure. Rather, it is to remove excess skin or flab that doesn’t respond to diet and exercise. The result of the surgery is a flatter, tighter tummy, thanks to that excess skin being removed. While liposuction may be performed as part of the procedure, if you are currently overweight, a tummy tuck will not help you lose weight.
  3. Wait until you are finished having children. During a tummy tuck, not only is the excess skin removed, but the muscles are tightened. During pregnancy, those muscles will be stretched out again, so it’s best to wait until you are finished having children to have a tummy tuck. This will ensure the most long lasting results.
  4. Take into account the recovery time when planning your tummy tuck. An abdominoplasty requires a recovery period ranging from four to eight weeks. It is recommended that you take two weeks off of work. It may take up to six months to see the complete results of your tummy tuck. So that means if you want to sport a tighter tummy in June, you’ll need to have the surgery in January to see the best results.

If you have excess skin in your mid-section that just doesn’t seem to go away, no matter how hard you exercise or how much you diet, tummy tuck may be your answer. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Crofts today, and be on your way to a bikini-ready body.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.